Our apartment is 950 square feet and is, of course, completely baby/toddler proofed. We have books, toys, and games for children aged 6 months to 4 years. Some favorites include our play kitchen, many wooden toys and art supplies, and of course our train table (you know, the kind that kids are always so drawn to and are impossible to pull away from in toy stores!). Duplo is also a huge deal around here lately, especially the Duplo trains. We do not have cable or watch television during the day, although we do have a large monitor hooked up to a computer for music and the occasional movie in the evening once the child care kids have gone home.
There is a private child's play area in the back and it's only open to people who live in our building. There is a sand box, some outdoor toys, and a small slide. It's the perfect place to use bubbles, sidewalk chalk, etc.
We do not keep toxic chemicals of any kind in our home. The only substances we use are ones that could be safely swallowed (by either the dog or by our child) so that includes our cosmetics, hand soaps, laundry detergent, dish detergents, cleaning products, etc. We also don't allow the carpets or any surfaces to be cleaned by any suspicious substances.
The safety turtle that I am, I have the house completely, 100% child proofed, from covering the plugs, to keeping cords out of reach, securing bookshelves to walls, and ensuring that the drawers in the house are child proofed as well. We have screens on our windows and the windows themselves only open 4 inches. I always operate with the "better safe than sorry" mentality. Part of the process involved in becoming a Registered License-Not-Required child care provider includes a home inspection and safety check as provided by the West Coast Child Care Resource Centre. We also keep an emergency kit on hand that has enough food, water, and resources for our family and all the child care kids in the event of an earthquake.
All these things considered, the bottom line is, I'll be playing with the kids and giving them my undivided attention 100% of the time anyway.
One last thing I want to be very open about: we have a 10 lb yorkshire terrier (Max). He's basically the most docile and gentle creature ever, but I know that some people are nervous about having their kids around dogs. Basically, Max actually doesn't even care if children or other dogs touch or take his food, he's that gentle. I absolutely have no concerns about him being around my own son and I'm certain he wouldn't be aggressive at all around any person or other animal, even if they were to pull at his fur or try to take his food. Most people who have left their children with me have actually seen having Max around as a plus for their children since they don't have dogs themselves. Max has never given the children any trouble; every once in a while a child isn't gentle with him and when that happens Max just goes in the other room and happily sleeps.