Photos of Our Days

I asked the parents of the children I watch if I could post some pictures of the kids hanging out together to show the types of things we do each day and they were thrilled for me to do so.  I often take pictures on my phone to text to the parents to let them have a sneak peak of the type of day their kids are having.   They love seeing that they are having a great time!  These pictures represent the types of things we do on a regular basis; all the same things you do as a family when you are able to be home with your child!  After all, that is what Family Child Care is all about.

Hanging out and hugging at the aquarium

Playing basketball at the community centre

Playing with random toys at our old apartment.  They happen to both be wearing the same shirt that day!

Feeding ducks and geese at Stanley Park

Colouring at the Central Library

Dressed up as dragons on a field trip to Richmond Country Farms

Enjoying musical instrument time at the Gordon Neighborhood House


More hugging, this time at Science World on the giant piano

Some colouring before bed

Organizing books... playing library?

Shopping trip!

Just relaxing


Getting ready to go out for a walk

Holding hands and walking like big boys


Exploring with water in the back yard
Using the living room floor as the ultimate train table
Playing with flour (a sensory activity)

Hanging out in the house at the WECC

Pumpkin carving... doubles as a great sensory activity!

Potato heads

Holding hands for a walk
Cooperating to work toward a common goal in the play area at Science World

Watching the train at Science World

Getting ready to go ice skating. Don't worry, they wore helmets :)

Trudging through the muddy field toward the swings at 2nd beach

Puzzle time

Magnetic puzzles!

Watching the freighters

Stanley park

A puzzle that makes sounds!

Swings: always a favourite

Duplo trains

Smiling for the camera on our way to the aquarium

On our way back from the aquarium

A window washer: a huge deal!

Holding hands